Today, early morning I went to the local election office to see whether my name is there or not in the electoral list for LokSabha elections. I was pleasantly surprised to see my name in the electoral list J
I had filled the form for inclusion of my name in the list way back in July, 2008. Seeing the government apathy in all fields of commerce, I had expected my name to be in LokSabha elections 2013 most probably. But today’s day started with a positive note and a slightly changed attitude towards the government.
Walking down the road, I pondered, whom to cast my precious vote?
To the corrupt politicians who eat our hard earned money?
To those who play the dirty politics of forming alliances and breaking them whenever they see green fodder in the opposite stable?
To those who compromise development of country for their own selfish means?
To those who play dirty vote bank politics to remain in power and to eat more money?
To those who stall infrastructure projects if they don’t get a big pie of money in this project?
To those who bollywood stars for attracting attention from public?
Are these politicians who use bollywood stars not capable of themselves attracting crowd with their own charm?
Or to those who go to Delhi for obtaining orders from the high command in order to implement decisions regarding any change in government? Can’t they take decisions themselves instead of flying to Delhi in aero planes and wasting public moneys?
Or to those who play the communal card in order to garner votes?
Recently in a radio interview I heard a young youth asking for a separate button on the voting machine for not voting to any of the candidates. I really agree with that youth’s point.
The heavy campaigning done by Aamir Khan and all others to vote for country should not go waste. After all our vote can somewhat change our country.
Last but not the least let’s vote for a better tomorrow.
I will vote for India.